Year 7 – Elif Ozgul Awarded for amazing hard work and progress in her Fresh Start reading lessons and TEFL lessons – Miss Bradley & Miss Mason

Year 7 – Emma Nicholas Awarded for consistent hard work and participation in English lessons – Mrs McKee

Year 7 – McKenzie Jenkinson Awarded for leading his group in celebration music in his Music lessons recently – Mr Marr

Year 7 – Addi Fitzsimons (not available for photo) – Awarded for supporting a fellow student with improvements to their work in History, without being prompted to, demonstrating excellent compassion and stewardship – Mr Irving

Year 8 – Tyler Knight Awarded for helping massively over the past week to assist students to complete work that they did not understand in History – Mr Hughes

Year 8 – Dainan Allen (not available for photo)- Awarded for helping massively over the past week to assist students to complete work that they did not understand in History – Mr Hughes

Year 8 – Mason B (not available for photo) – Awarded for his effort and knowledge in his Computer Science lessons on computer hardware. Well done! – Mr Crosthwaite

Year 9 – Seb Bamford (not available for photo) Awarded for passing his Fresh Start reading programme. He’s been on it for over a year so it’s a big achievement for him. Well done! – Miss Bradley

Year 9 – Heather Gravett Awarded for improvising over her 12 bar blues in Music – Mr Marr

Year 9 – Ebony Wilson Awarded for improvising over her 12 bar blues in Music – Mr Marr

Year 11 – Jayden Ackroyd Awarded for always being polite, well-mannered and kind. He truly embodies the school virtues – Mrs Hannan & Mrs Brinicombe

Year 11 – Billy Thompson – Awarded for always being polite, well-mannered and kind. He truly embodies the school virtues – Mrs Hannan & Mrs Brinicombe

Sixth Form – Sophie Roberts Awarded for demonstrating diligence through her independent creation of revision materials which she has shared with her peers – Mrs Young

Sixth Form – Sithembi Ndabambi Awarded for perseverance with all of her subjects – Mr Hamilton

Sixth Form – Lexia Hartley  – Awarded for doing an extra lesson a week in English. They are keen to watch an afterschool showing of Hamlet. They have really been trying hard to get us through as much of Hamlet as possible – Mrs Bishop

Sixth Form – Poppy Fitzwilliam – Awarded for doing an extra lesson a week in English. They are keen to watch an afterschool showing of Hamlet. They have really been trying hard to get us through as much of Hamlet as possible – Mrs Bishop

Sixth Form – Ashton Hooper – Awarded for doing an extra lesson a week in English. They are keen to watch an afterschool showing of Hamlet. They have really been trying hard to get us through as much of Hamlet as possible – Mrs Bishop 

Sixth Form – Blythe Kelly Awarded for doing an extra lesson a week in English. They are keen to watch an afterschool showing of Hamlet. They have really been trying hard to get us through as much of Hamlet as possible – Mrs Bishop

Sixth Form – Angel Holliday (not available for photo) – warded for doing an extra lesson a week in English. They are keen to watch an afterschool showing of Hamlet. They have really been trying hard to get us through as much of Hamlet as possible – Mrs Bishop

Sixth Form – Amelia Preston (not available for photo) – Awarded for doing an extra lesson a week in English. They are keen to watch an afterschool showing of Hamlet. They have really been trying hard to get us through as much of Hamlet as possible – Mrs Bishop

Sixth Form – Hannah Birbeck (not available for photo) – Awarded for doing an extra lesson a week in English. They are keen to watch an afterschool showing of Hamlet. They have really been trying hard to get us through as much of Hamlet as possible – Mrs Bishop

Sixth Form – Ryan McNeil (not available for photo) – Awarded for doing an extra lesson a week in English.They are keen to watch an afterschool showing of Hamlet. They have really been trying hard to get us through as much of Hamlet as possible – Mrs Bishop