Please see document below for some home learning website links:
Our school is fully inclusive and students with additional needs are included in all aspects of life here.
All staff, including the learning support department, work with those students who need additional support within school either academically, socially, emotionally or physically.
This support is largely offered within mainstream classrooms to ensure that all students are able to access inclusive learning and quality first teaching at an appropriate level. Tasks may be modified or scaffolded for individual students. Students are also supported at social times if appropriate.
Some of our students have a wide range of needs, including difficulties in reading, writing, spelling, numeracy, understanding, communication, self esteem, self confidence, behaviour, hearing impairments, visual impairments, co-ordination, mobility, learning difficulties, autism, physical and medical difficulties.
Some students may have an Education, Health and Care Plan. Others may be identified by the school or by their parents as requiring extra support.
Please refer to our full SEN Policy with SEN Information Report via the Policies Page for more information.
Bridging Classes
As a school we recognise that there are a small number of pupils who transfer to us, who have been highlighted as requiring additional support by our primary feeder schools. We understand that for some pupils the jump to secondary is a very stressful time both academically and emotionally.
At St Benedict’s we have well established Year 7 Bridging Classes, taught by an experienced primary trained teacher, who delivers the core curriculum to a small number of pupils at an appropriate level. This class is supported by teaching assistants. This ensures a smooth and successful transition to St Benedict’s for all.
We also have a similar smaller classes in all year groups at KS3 and KS4 who follow a bespoke and adapted curriculum, taught by subject specialists and supported by teaching assistants.
Most students needs are met through high quality inclusive teaching provided within mainstream classes by teaching assistants who work closely with the class teachers. When additional support is needed the curriculum may be modified or scaffolded for some students. Some 1 to 1 and small group work is also carried out when this is thought to be appropriate and is led by our HLTA’s or STA’s.
Some students are withdrawn from some classes to work on basic literacy skills in a small group. Some students benefit from social skills packages, anger management and ELSA interventions. Some pupils require extra support in Maths/numeracy in small groups or on a 1:1 basis. It is expected that as a result of this additional support all students will acquire independent learning and working skills which they will then carry on into the future.
Students may be supported in mainstream classes in some subjects or they may be taught in smaller groups where greater individual tuition can be given and courses can be tailored to their needs. On occasion some pupils require an alternative curriculum to supplement the core subjects. Our Pathway 3 offers pupils extra support in English, Maths and Life Skills.
We offer ASDAN entry level courses and AQA units of assessment to ensure all students gain suitable qualifications.
What kind of needs are catered for at St. Benedicts?
Students’ needs cover literacy, spelling, numeracy, understanding, communication, self-esteem, self-confidence, behaviour, hearing impairments, visual impairments, co-ordination, mobility, learning difficulties, autism, physical and medical difficulties.
What policies do we have for identifying students with SEN and how do we assess student’s needs?
We gain information about students’ SEN before they arrive, through:
Further identification and assessment can be done through:
Further specific screening tests can be carried out according to need, to recognise students with traits of dyslexia or dyscalculia, as well as tests that look at spelling accuracy and reading ability.
How do we engage and involve parents in the education of our SEN students?
We encourage parental involvement in any support we provide, as parents are a vital part of the team around their children. We believe that it is essential for us to understand your view, as well as the views of your child, in any difficulties they may experience with their learning.
You will be able to share your views over email, by phoning the student support department, or by arranging a meeting with one of the team. We will always endeavour to respond to your views, and where possible to act upon them.
If your child has an Education, Health and Care plan (EHCP) you and your child will be able to share your views at the Annual Review.
All parents are also encouraged to have discussions with tutors and class teachers, to attend tutor evenings and parents’ evenings, and to ensure that their child completes home learning to a high standard where appropriate.
How do we engage SEN students in their education?
Students are involved in the writing of their one page profiles & support plans and are involved in discussions about their strengths and barriers to learning so that we can set SMART targets for them to work on. Some students will have Key workers, with whom they can discuss issues and next steps.
What approach is taken to teaching students with SEN?
We offer a range of interventions to support pupils, as well as offering a range of training to support classroom teachers.
The intervention or support provided to supporting learning is outlined below:
First Quality Teaching – this is the teaching your child will receive from his/her class teacher and may include some minor adaptations to match learning needs. We ensure that all teachers are aware of how to match these learning needs, through good communication and training.
Targeted intervention – it may be appropriate to consider making additional short-term special educational provision to remove or reduce any obstacles to your child’s learning.
This takes the form of a graduated four part approach of:
1. Assessing your child’s needs
2. Planning the most effective and appropriate intervention
3. Doing this intervention and
4. Reviewing the impact on your child’s progress towards individual learning outcome
Sometimes this intervention may take place outside the classroom, as a 1-to-1 or with a small group of students. These will be limited to a number of weeks to minimise disruption to the regular curriculum or may take place in 1-1 time, tutor time or after school. You will be kept informed of your child’s progress towards learning outcomes.
What expertise and training do staff who support students with SEN receive and does this include specialist support?
At St Benedict’s we believe that your child’s learning needs will first be met through the first quality teaching delivered by her/his class teacher.
Regular professional development ensures that staff at St Benedict’s are fully aware of how to cater for a range of Special Educational Needs. Specialist teachers hold twilight sessions to liaise with teaching staff and the student support department.
The Learning Support team are in regular communication with teaching staff to make sure that everyone is aware of what Special Educational Needs there are within the school, and how to help support those needs in the classroom.
What arrangements are in place for assessing and reviewing progress of SEN students and how does St Benedict’s evaluate the effectiveness of provision of students with SEN?
We report on progress every term and this allows us to monitor and intervene as necessary.
As part of this reviewing cycle, any interventions necessary because of personal circumstances, medical needs or short-term changes in a student’s situation may be discussed and agreed with parents/carers.
Some students will have targets to support their very specific needs, for example, spelling, reading accuracy and numeracy. These will be monitored and reviewed regularly.
How is my child included in all the same activities as his/her peers at school?
St Benedict’s is an inclusive school and committed to providing equal opportunities for all children. School clubs, educational visits and residential trips are available to all children. When necessary we will make reasonable adjustments to ensure that children with SEN and/or disabilities are included in all activities.
How does St Benedict’s involve other organisations and specialist support in provision for SEND students?
We may involve specialists at any time to provide advice and guidance following early identification of SEND. Parents are fully involved in this process.
The following services are available to us within Cumbria SEND team:
We also have strong links with Cumbria Youth Alliance.
How do we make our school accessible to all?
St Benedict’s has a lift which allows all students to have equal access to high quality teaching across the curriculum. In the unlikely event that the lift is not working we move teachers to the ground floor to allow access for students with a restricted mobilty.