Home Learning Resources
Below you will find a link to work set by your teachers. You will be asked to sign in – This is your full school email address and the password for the computers in school – your email will be: username@st-benedicts.cumbria.sch.uk
Note: the username is your login number you enter when logging in.
Staff : To access the home learning resources, please click below
Students: To access the home learning resources, please click below
Download the guide to accessing the resources via a mobile or tablet device.
Access to Office 365 Apps.
To open some of the learning resources you will need to have access to Microsoft Word and PowerPoint.
Using a PC/Mac
You can use Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote online via Office 365, if you don’t have the apps installed on your PC/Mac.
Using a tablet or mobile phone
If you need to access Microsoft Word, Excel or PowerPoint to open any of the files, you can download the Apps from the App store on a tablet (.e.g. iPad) or mobile phone.
Click on the links below to download via the app store. Once installed you will need to sign in with your school email and password.
Other Useful Resources