Key Stage 4 (Years 10-11)
As students enter Key Stage 4 an element of choice is given to them to allow them to follow a pathway that is appropriate for them and their future aspirations whilst not being so specialised that doors might be closed to them in the future. The majority of students study a broad range of subjects leading to GCSE qualifications at the end of a two year course. There are opportunities for students to study vocational courses alongside their GCSE courses as appropriate.
All students study a compulsory core curriculum, which includes English, mathematics, religious education, PE/games and the equivalent of at least two GCSEs in science subjects. Those that choose to can study the three separate sciences of physics, chemistry and biology, if it is appropriate for their needs and skills.
The option subjects available are: geography, history, computer science, art and design, design technology, French, German, Spanish and physical education. We also offer a range of vocational courses, equivalent to GCSEs, in Business Studies, Food and cookery, Health and Social Care, Engineering and Performing Arts.
All students have the opportunity to attain the Ebacc suite of subjects as part of their studies if they so choose. Students are recommended to follow one of three pathways that the school offers based upon their abilities and progress throughout Key Stage 3.
These pathways ensure that students continue to study a broad and balanced curriculum with a high value academic basis. Alongside the core subjects, almost all students will also study at least one of the following: Computer Science, Separate sciences, geography, history, French, German or Spanish. The most able are recommended to choose at least two of these subjects.
Whilst most students study three option subjects in addition to the core subjects, some will study less depending on the needs of each individual. For these students we deliver an additional English and mathematics support programme, for students with an identified need for support in these areas, leading to accredited entry level qualifications.
We offer a wide choice of options and students work with staff, including form tutors, subject teachers, their Director of Learning, Learning Mentor and external advisors and local employer representatives through the “World of Work” day, to identify courses which will support their career aspirations and offer them the best opportunities for success as individuals. Careers advice and guidance forms part of the personal development programme for students from Years 7 – 11 and includes assemblies, events and visiting speakers. Options advice evenings and parents’ evenings also provide support. Additionally, Year 10 students have the chance to undertake a week of work experience during the summer term