Aims and objectives of the Science Department
- To provide a curriculum that is suited to the differing needs of students of all abilities that is broad, balanced and relevant to everyday life
- To work together with parents/carers in supporting all students in their learning, to enable them to achieve their best possible examination grades in science
- To provide a happy, caring, stable, safe and orderly environment in which the best quality of teaching, learning and development can take place;
- To promote scientific thinking by learning skills and developing an understanding of scientific ideas.
We see our Science students going into many professions ranging from Medicine, Dentistry and Veterinary work through Engineering to pure Research Science. The range of opportunities available to the Science graduate or apprentice is huge. Aware of our unique position within the Energy Coast we have positioned ourselves to utilise the expertise and resources around us in industry. This provides students with excellent qualifications, skills and the relevant experience to be successful within these energy based industries.