Assemblies & Celebration of the World

For St. Benedict’s our assemblies are an opportunity to come together as a community of faith to worship, listen, learn, reflect, and inspire. Each assembly is a celebration of the Word that is formed around our Sunday Gospel reading of the week and our Benedictine virtues. All assemblies contain liturgical elements and include traditional prayers as well as prayers that are specifically relevant to our Assembly theme. Our assemblies also feature a challenge for our students, so that they can apply the lessons they’ve learned in their everyday lives.

The majority of our assemblies are led by staff, with the assistance of students who participate in the assemblies by leading us through our Gospel reading each week. At various points throughout the academic year our Sixth Form Catholic Leadership Team will plan and lead our assemblies.

Throughout the year our assemblies cover both religious secular topics that are relevant to the lives of our students. Our assemblies always include the following:

  • Opening prayer
  • Student-led Gospel reading
  • Introduction to the assembly theme
  • Celebration of the Word
  • Gospel/Theme links
  • Symbolism relevant to the theme
  • Visual resources – videos/images
  • Weekly Challenge
  • Links to our School Virtues
  • Closing prayer