What should I do if I feel like I am being bullied?
The first thing you must do is tell somebody. At St Benedict’s we do not stand for bullying and we will always endeavour to help you if you feel that you are being bullied. The only way that we can do that is if we know about it. You can tell your form tutor, a class teacher, Mrs Goodwin, Mrs Young or any other member of staff in school. It is important that you also tell your parents when you get home.
If I see someone breaking the school rules, what should I do?
If you see somebody doing something that they shouldn’t be at school, you need to report it to a member of staff. This can be done by having a quiet word with them, or writing it down and giving it to somebody.
What happens at break and lunch times if it is raining?
Unfortunately there are times when it will be raining at break and lunchtimes. To avoid getting wet, we advise that students bring a coat with them on days when the weather forecast is poor. Students are welcome in the canteen during break times and in the Theatre at lunchtimes.
What does ATL mean?
ATL stands for ‘attitude to learning’ and it runs on a grading system with 5 being excellent and 1 being unacceptable. You earn your ATL by demonstrating good behaviour and effort to teachers in class.
I’m struggling with my work in lessons, what should I do?
In the first instance, you should speak to the teacher of that subject. They will do their best to help support your learning in their subject. If you then feel that you are still finding things difficult, you should speak to either your form tutor, Mrs Goodwin or Mrs Young.
What should I do if I have an issue with putting money onto my account for lunch?
Here at St Benedict’s we operate a cashless catering system, which means that you don’t have to carry money with you to pay for your lunch. You will have your fingerprint taken and can top up your account using machines near the canteen. Sometimes students find that they have trouble getting the machine to read their fingerprint. If this happens you should look to seek out Mrs Goodwin or Mrs Young who will look into the issue for you.
What happens if I forget my dinner money or have no money left on my account?
If you forget your money or realise that you have no money left on your account, you should speak to Mrs Goodwin or Mrs Young. They will contact home in the first instance and will help students in any way they can to ensure you do not go hungry that day.
Who should I speak to if I have a problem at home?
If you are having problems at home and would like to talk to someone at school about it there are a number of people you can turn to. Your tutor, Mrs Goodwin, Mrs Hughes or any other member of staff that you trust and feel comfortable with, will always make time to listen. Please be aware that staff cannot make promises to ‘keep secrets’ and they might need to pass on what you tell them to somebody in school on the safeguarding team.
What should I do if I start to feel unwell whilst at school?
We are lucky to have a school nurse here at St Benedict’s. Avril Smith is available to tend to students who fall ill or have an accident whilst in school. If you feel unwell during a lesson you should speak to your teacher who will write you a note to allow you to see Avril. If you find yourself feeling unwell during break or lunchtime, you should seek out either your form tutor, Mrs Goodwin or Mrs Young to write you a note. You should not go to the nurse’s office without a note and Avril cannot tend to injuries that have happened outside of school.
What do I do if I need to take medication throughout the school day?
If you have been prescribed medicine by your doctor, you should bring it into school along with a note from your parents/carers and let your form tutor know that you need to go straight to see the school nurse with the medication and note. Any medication needs to be stored safely with the nurse and you should not keep medication in your bag throughout the day.
What can I do if I’m struggling with my homework?
Like with your class work, if you find yourself struggling to do homework, for whatever reason, you should first speak to your subject teacher who will aim to help you in whatever way they can. There is also a Year 7 homework club that runs during lunch times. Mrs Goodwin will be there to help you with anything you need. The Library, which is located on the First Floor, is open every night after school and you can use the computers and printer in there for your homework.
I’m not Catholic, how will this affect me in school?
You do not need to be Catholic to attend St Benedict’s school, however it is a faith school and all students are expected to participate in various religious activities. There is a school prayer that is said at the start of every assembly and there will be several opportunities to attend Mass as a year group. There will also be a daily prayer that is read during tutor time. The school does have a chapel and the school Chaplain is available for students to talk to.
What do I do if I get lost in school?
The easiest thing to do if you are lost is to ask someone. A member of staff should be your first option, but older students will be more than happy to help you too. The one way system is designed to help you find your classrooms easily. See how the rooms are numbered on this map: ADD DOWNLOADABLE MAP.
What happens if I misbehave in school?
The school has a gradual behaviour response system which teachers used within lessons. This means that if you do something that you shouldn’t do you will first be given a verbal warning. If your poor behaviour continues you will receive a written warning and your name will go on the board. The next stage is a cross next to your name which means you have received a SIMS log and a break/lunch detention with your teacher. Stage four is extremely seriously and means that you have continued to misbehave and have been sent out of your class and to the subject leader. This means you will be issued with a 30 minute detention which happens on Wednesday’s & Friday’s after school.
If you acquire lots of SIMS logs, you will find yourself on report card!
What happens when it is parents evening?
There are two main evenings for parents to come into school and speak to teachers about how you are doing. The first is ‘Tutor Evening’ which happens in the first half term and is a five minute appointment with your tutor to let your parents know how you have settled into the school. Your tutor will arrange the time with you.
The second happens later in the year and this is a ‘Progress Review’ evening, or parents evening. This is where you parents get to meet all of your teachers and find out how you are doing. It takes place in classrooms on the first floor (B) and you are given a sheet in the weeks leading up to it to arrange timings with all of your subject teachers.