Year 7 – Addy Stewart Awarded for excellent contributions to English lessons and great understanding of Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream – Miss Thompson

Year 7 – Coben Burney Awarded for making excellent contributions to Computer Science lessons – Mr McGaughey

Year 7 – Coalan Murphy – Awarded for making excellent contributions to Computer Science lessons – Mr McGaughey

Year 7 – Isabelle Olisa (not available for photo) – Awarded for excellent contributions to English lessons and great understanding of Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream – Miss Thompson

Year 7 – Eden-Grace McAlone (not available for photo) Awarded for excellent contributions to English lessons and great understanding of Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream – Miss Thompson

Year 7 – Jackson Tyson Sanders (not available for photo)- Awarded for excellent contributions to English lessons and great understanding of Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream – Miss Thompson

Year 7 – Sonny Nicholson (not available for photo)- Awarded for consistent hard work in every English lesson – Mrs McKee

Year 8 – Jonah Nicholls (not available for photo) – Awarded for supporting and helping his classmate with a Maths problem they were struggling – showing the school’s core value of Humility – Mrs Gray

Year 8 – Jack Hetherington Awarded for good contributions to class this week English – Mrs Thompson

Year 8 – Sofia Redmond –  Awarded for good contributions to class this week English – Mrs Thompson

Year 8 – Hanna JeneeshAwarded for getting 61/61 and a grade 9 on an especially tricky end of unit assessment in French. Her outstanding attitude , engagement and effort have paid off big time here. Well done – Mrs Jahromi

Year 8 – Brad Hardman (not available for photo) – Awarded for good contributions to class this week English – Mrs Thompson

Year 8 – Jamie Penrice (not available for photo)  – Awarded for good contributions to class this week English – Mrs Thompson

Year 8 – Lola McGregor (not available for photo) – Awarded for good contributions to class this week English – Mrs Thompson

Year 8 – Sophia Fleming (not available for photo) Awarded for making excellent progress in her C# programming in Computer Science – Mr McGaughey

Year 8 – Lacey-May Towers (not available for photo) Awarded for making excellent progress in her C# programming in Computer Science – Mr McGaughey

Year 8 – Matthew Savage (not available for photo) – Awarded for making excellent progress an supporting others with his C# Programming in Computer Science – Mr McGaughey

Year 9 – George Towers Awarded for excellent feedback from the Future Pathways course. He was extremely polite & well mannered and was a real credit school – Mrs Ennis

Year 9 – Gracie Birkett (not available for photo) – Awarded for good preparation and ATL for Big Write in English – Mrs Thompson

Year 9 – Taylor Lee Taylorson (not available for photo) – Awarded for good preparation and ATL for Big Write in English – Mrs Thompson

Year 9 – Maisie Milne (not available for photo) – Awarded for good preparation and ATL for Big Write in English – Mrs Thompson

Year 9 – Sonny Strickland (not available for photo) – Awarded for good preparation and ATL for Big Write in English – Mrs Thompson

Year 9 – Charlie Thompson (not available for photo) – Awarded for fantastic programming skills and being really engaged in lessons – Mr Redhead

Year 9 – Kai Dunn (not available for photo) – Awarded for an improved effort and work in RE – Mr Cruise

Year 10 – Alfie Goodwin – Awarded for his great participation in our French lessons. Well done! – Mrs Hannan

Year 10 – Poppy Daniels Awarded for her great participation in our French lessons. Well done! – Mrs Hannan

Year 10 – Harvey Simpson-Allen (not available for photo) – Awarded for his imaginative story writing. Harvey showed lots of enthusiasm and careful thought, producing engaging writing in English – Mrs McKee

Year 10 – Audrey Okundaye (not available for photo) – Awarded for her great participation in our French lessons. Well done! – Mrs Hannan

Year 10 – Lilla Leadbetter (not available for photo) – Awarded for her great participation in our French lessons. Well done! – Mrs Hannan

Year 10 – T-Jay Gibbons (not available for photo)  – Awarded for great ideas and draft work for descriptive writing in English – Mrs Thompson

Year 10 – Ryan Wood (not available for photo) – Awarded for great ideas and draft work for descriptive writing in English – Mrs Thompson

Year 11 – Niall Sullivan Awarded for being a helpful, diligent, friendly student who truly embodies the school virtues – Mrs Hannan

Year 11 – Tilly-Ann Emdadi-Zarnaghi Awarded for being a kind, well mannered, friendly student who truly embodies the school virtues – Mrs Brinicombe


Sixth Form – Eden Holmes Awarded for her involvement in the Centre for Leadership’s sustainability garden project – Mr Hamilton

Sixth Form – Mia LandellsAwarded for her involvement in the Centre for Leadership’s sustainability garden project – Mr Hamilton

Sixth Form – Millie Teare – Awarded for her involvement in the Centre for Leadership’s sustainability garden project – Mr Hamilton

Sixth Form – Maisie Enright Awarded for her involvement in the Centre for Leadership’s sustainability garden project – Mr Hamilton