Letter from Mrs Jackson – 4th February

Dear Parents and Carers                                                                    

We are aware how hard you are all working and how stressful life is at the moment.  For children, life is particularly difficult.  We know that our students are missing their friends, and the things that they enjoy doing.  Life can be lonely and there are few opportunities to make memories.

This week has been Mental Health Awareness and Wellbeing Week.  Through our social media, we have tried to promote some activities to maintain good mental health.  With all of this in mind, we have decided to have “Wellbeing Wednesday”.

“Wellbeing Wednesday” will take place next week, on Wednesday, 10th February.  We would like our students to take themselves away from live lessons for the day and try to have a day of activities that make them feel good.  We will suggest a number of activities that students can engage in, including a screen free challenge; all of which, should help our children relax and re charge their batteries in a positive way.

The Hub will be open only for the children of key workers and those children who have attended the hub before.  If your child fits into this criteria and wants to attend (we realise that they may want to be at home) bookings should be made in the usual way.  Sadly, we cannot take any new bookings for next Wednesday. Please note children do not need to wear uniform in the Hub on this day.

We will send out a range of activities that students can engage in early next week.  We would love it if you could send us pictures of everything that you have been up to on this day to include on our website and social media.  You can do this by uploading pictures to the Wellbeing Wednesday section of Teams.

Thank you for your continued support

Emma Jackson

Head Teacher

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