St Benedict’s Catholic High School

Student Guide to Home Learning

Home Learning Video Guides


During the week, your lessons will be taught ‘live’ via Microsoft Teams.  You can join a lesson via a PC, laptop, mobile phone, tablet (e.g. iPad), Mac or the web. 

Make sure you have the Teams app downloaded and installed on the device you are going to use. 

If you have a camera and microphone on your device, these will be enabled automatically.

The ‘live’ element of the lesson will last approx 20-25 minutes of the normal lesson. Following the ‘live’ teaching, you will be given a series of activities to do for the remaining part of your lesson. Your teacher will be available via chat to support you with any questions you may have.

Our Expectations

You MUST be kind, polite and considerate when contacting teachers. Similarly, when there is a live session, you MUST treat all participants with kindness, politeness and consideration.

You MUST act in a way that shows that you understand the boundaries which exist between teachers and students AT ALL TIMES.

Teachers will set out explicit expectations of behaviour during online learning at the beginning of each live session. These expectations MUST be followed. Failure to do so will result in a SANCTION.

During the live session you MUST be appropriately dressed and be in an appropriate area of your home (this must NOT be a bedroom).

You MUST act appropriately during the live session, and this includes any other members of the household who are in sight / sound of the session.

Teachers will manage the sessions like they would their classroom. This means they will decide whether they want webcams to be turned on during the sessions, whether they mute all participants, etc.

If you behave in a disruptive or unkind way during any live session, or if a staff member feels there is inappropriate interaction, then the teacher may warn the student and / or remove them from the session.