We are an inclusive school and cater for all types of students. Our current cohort includes students with needs in reading, writing, spelling, numeracy, speech and language difficulties, comprehension, self-esteem, self-confidence, behaviour, hearing impairments, visual impairments, co-ordination skills, social skills, mobility, hypermobility, learning difficulties, autism, dyslexia, dyspraxia, physical and medical difficulties.
For students with an EHCP (Educational Health Care Plan) or several IEPs we usually have met with you during Primary school at meetings. We begin our working relationship then and hope to develop this during the time your child is at St Benedict’s. Any concerns please ring school and ask to speak to your child’s form tutor, Director of Learning/Tutor Team Leader, or the SENCo.
Any parent/carer who has a concern should speak with the form tutor first. We have a system in school that will continue to step up the process gathering information and then the SENCo will be asked to see a student. Parents/carers will be contacted by the SENCo if any assessments are carried out or any referrals need to be made.
All parent/carers are invited to planning and review meetings.
In Year 7 all students are assessed for their reading and maths ages. Students who are significantly below the expected age are offered interventions (SRA for reading and Catch-Up for Maths). These interventions are delivered in small groups or 1:1 with one of the Higher Level Teaching Assistants.
Teachers and Senior Teaching Assistants continually monitor progress and have termly class assessments.
Directly funded by school:
Paid for centrally by the local authority but delivered in school:
We are fully inclusive and all students are welcome in class. If necessary a STA may take a child/small group of children into a quieter environment to deliver the lesson.
Planning and teaching will be adapted when and where necessary.
Class teachers plan lessons according to the needs of all students and so SEND work will be differentiated when necessary by planning and expected outcomes.
Small group work may be necessary to deliver English and Maths interventions. These are timetabled with staff and students in discussion.
All student IEP, passports and EHCP can be found on line in the staff resources to aid planning.
The SENCo regularly monitors the lessons through observation and the reading of the student learning logs.
The school will take a flexible approach in dealing with your child’s needs, and this may include the use of a teaching assistant, small group work, assigning a key worker, social skills groups, and other individualised support strategies.
Your child’s progress is continually monitored.
Regular feedback is given to students in class and the STEP approach is used for marking. This enables students to see where they have achieved and what they are expected to do next to improve their work. It also allows for students to add their own comments.
All SEND students are monitored by the SENCo and the majority have either an IEP or a passport. These are planned and reviewed termly and parent/carers are invited to attend or make their contributions.
EHCP are formally reviewed annually following statutory procedures with involvement of significant adults who contribute to their education. Parent/carers and relevant outside agencies are always invited to these reviews.
We have regular CPD for all areas of special needs.
All staff are briefed on the new Year 7 intake at the INSET in September and reminded of the resources available to them online. There is a pen picture of every child with an EHCP and other key students.
We receive training in visual impairments and autism on a regular basis.
Reports from outside agencies are put online in The Link resources for all staff to read. All STA keep a student log which is a dialogue between support staff and teachers.
We encourage parent/carer involvement at all times. We can discuss your child with you either by phone or a direct meeting.
We have termly reviews which you are invited to participate in by either attending a scheduled meeting, responding in writing, or through telephone consultation.
Once an educational Psychologist has met your child you will be invited to attend a meeting with him and the SENCo.
We can provide and use home/school books if you would like this.
There are parent/carers’ evenings with all staff on an annual basis.
There is access to the SENDIAS service (previously known as parent/carer partnership).
Support groups on a monthly basis for the parent/carers of students with dyslexia and autism.
Transitions can be awkward for any student. We try to be as supportive as we can for both the child and the family. There is a close working relationship between our SENCo, directors of learning, primary partners, and the school’s Transition Manager; this allows for the crucial sharing of information which makes transition between any key stage as smooth as possible for your child.
Key Stage 3
For students with an EHCP we try to begin making contact in Year 5. We work closely with the Primary school in Year 6 gathering as much information as possible about the child and meeting them in their familiar environment. We encourage additional visits prior to the taster day for secondary education. We make books with students to help prepare them for their new school. These are made individually and adapted to meet personal requirements.
All SEND students can have additional visits during Year 6 either with parent/carers or a friend who will also be attending St Benedict’s.
After the taster day in July we have a parent/carers evening. The SENCo is available at this meeting for any additional questions or to make an appointment to come into school.
Key Stage 4
Moving on after Year 11 is also a big issue. During Year 11 we hold meetings with Inspira and Lakes College as well as our own 6th form to consider and plan for the next stage of education.
The final Year 11 IEP or passport is planned with staff from the next educational setting. We work very closely with Lakes College to ensure that all provision can be in place before a student commences a course there. We also inform the college of any access arrangements that have been in place. We arrange for visits and taster sessions prior to students having an interview. We carry out practice interviews in The Link to help prepare students.
Key Stage 5
For students progressing into our school sixth form the SENCo works closely with the Student Support Officer and the Director of Learning for 6th Form to look at how support can best be delivered to students on academic A-level pathways.
We value every child and acknowledge the importance of hearing their views.
We have student reps from every tutor group who meet as the student council on a termly basis. SEND ideas are always included in these meetings.
Students are invited to all their planning and review meetings and encouraged to give their point of view. Some prefer to voice these whilst others will write their feelings. With their acknowledgement these are included on their IEP or passports.
Every child with an EHCP has a keyworker and all students have access to a learning mentor. They are encouraged to discuss any issues with these members of staff.
The KS3 ASDAN group discusses student involvement around school and will take on a development project each year.
We have a lift that can be used by students with mobility difficulties.
Students who have mobility problems can move around school with a STA and/or members of their peer group.
After school provision is available for all SEND students.
All trips outside of school are fully inclusive and all students can attend. Staff are provided for residential trips if necessary. Risk assessments are carried out prior to any visits
Please visit our Policies Page for details on our Complaints Policy and also our SEND Policy.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]