Subject Information

Sports Science

Subject Video

The Edexcel BTEC Level 3 National Extended Certificate in Sport is a 360 guided learning hour (GLH) qualification that consists of four units.  Three of the units are mandatory. It offers an engaging programme for those who are clear about sport being part of their future career.  

Subject Details


BTEC Level 3 National Extended Certificate in Sports Science


Exam board: EdExcel Pearson

Course Code: 601/7218/6

The four units are split across two years of study:

Year 1

Unit 1 - Anatomy and Physiology (External Exam)

Unit 3 - Professional Development in the Sports Industry

Year 2

Unit 2    - Fitness Training & Programming for Health, Sport & Well-Being (External Assessment)

Unit 7    - Practical Sports Performance

We want students who: are passionate about sport and keep up to date with current sporting issues.  Students must be good independent learners who are willing to voice their opinions on sporting issues.  A sound scientific knowledge base and active involvement in sports is also essential to success.

How will students be assessed?

BTEC Level 3 National Extended Certificates in Sport units are assessed through project and assignment work as well as an external exam.  Each unit is graded Pass, Merit or Distinction and then an overall grade of Pass, Merit, Distinction or Distinction * is awarded on completion.

Students are assessed continuously throughout the course. National standards are laid down for each unit, in which students must show they are competent. Teachers ensure that students are given opportunities to do this through projects, assignments, case studies and problem-solving situations. Every time students provide evidence that they are competent in a particular area, it is recorded on tracking sheets until they have completed the full set of units that add up to the correct number of credits for that course. 

What other courses does it complement?

This course complements any areas of study that requires independent work.  It would also work well along-side science based subjects, especially Biology.

Next steps - what this course can lead to

The course gives learners the knowledge, understanding and skills that they need to prepare for employment.  The qualification also provides career development opportunities and progression opportunities to higher education, degree and professional development programmes within the sports industry.

St Benedict’s,

Sixth Form