Letter from Mr Bridgman – 17th August 2020

Dear Students and Parents / Carers,

I hope you have had a restful and safe break over the summer so far and have been able to enjoy some of the good weather we have had recently. This letter contains some important information regarding your GCSE results and potential entry to the sixth form in September.

On Thursday you will be receiving your GCSE, BTEC and vocational qualification results. This year, due to the cancellation of exams as a result of the COVID 19 pandemic, these GCSE results will be calculated grades which have been the subject of a great deal of discussion in the media in the last few days. These are based upon grades estimated by your teachers which may then have been adjusted by the examination boards to ensure that the overall awarding of grades this summer is not significantly different to previous years. The same process was used last week for the A level results and, while giving a reasonable distribution of grades overall, this has resulted in significant issues for some individual students in certain subjects. We would like to reassure you that we are working to address any such issues to ensure that all students gain the grades they deserve.

We recognise that students awaiting their GCSE grades will understandably be concerned about this and, while we hope that similar issues will be avoided this week, we can confirm that we will be accepting students onto our sixth form courses based upon the “Centre Assessed Grades” awarded by their teachers.

On Thursday each student will be sent the GCSE grades (calculated by the exam boards) they have been awarded via email to their school email address from 8am. Following this all students will also receive a separate email informing them of their Centre Assessed Grades (Teacher assessments).

I hope that this will reassure students, parents and carers prior to receiving their grades this Thursday.

Yours Faithfully,

Mr S Bridgman
Deputy Headteacher

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